Home visits

Home visits are important.  

These can be conducted at an arranged day and time. Home visits look into the following aspects.

Home Environment

To gain insight to the home environment in terms of layout, amount and type of furniture, amount and types of toys, amount and types of reading materials, environmental noise presence and level, number of adults and children sharing the home, and other factors.

Home Factors That May Affect The Child’s Focus

To identify the possible factors that may affect the focus of the child especially when the parents and/or caregivers are trying to communicate or teach the child.

Identify Spaces Suitable For Shared Activities

To identify spaces in the home which can be used at quiet corner/s or room/s where quiet adult-directed activities can be conducted with the child, away from distractions, other adults and other children.

Identify Toys for Shared Activities

To identify toys that can be used exclusively as special toys which the child typically do not have access to.  These can be used during special one on one moments with a parent or an adult caregiver as opportunities for teaching and learning.

Identify Books For Shared Activities

To identify the books that can be used as special reading materials to be shared between a parent or adult caregiver with the child.  Guidance will be given on how these books can be read to the child and how it can be read at a level which suits the child’s language level.

Identify Materials and/or Objects for Shared Activities

To identify materials and/or objects in the house (including safe household items), which can be used during teaching and learning moments. Guidance will be provided on how they can be used and what language, cognitive and motor developmental goals the activities can achieve.

Identify Adults for Shared Activities

To identify adults in the home who can contribute to the development of the child.  Guidance will be provided on how they can engage and teach the child in a relaxed, day to day environment and moments.